Have you made the choice to replace your missing teeth with dentures? That is great! You have chosen an affordable and convenient solution to regain a complete smile. With a custom-fit pair of dentures from your family dentist in Green Lake, you will not only restore your confidence when smiling and speaking but also your ability to chew many of your favorite foods. After you receive your new dentures, you do not want to miss out on great summer barbeques and get-togethers while you adjust to your new teeth. To make the transition easier, there are a few simple tips to keep in mind.
1. Start with Soft Foods
Although your dentures will replace your real teeth, they will not fully feel natural. It will take a bit of time to adjust to them. As a result, it is not unusual to experience some slight discomfort, especially if you had teeth extracted prior to having them placed.
To make the transition easier, it is best to start with liquids or a soft diet to allow your gum tissue to heal while also building new muscles to make chewing with your dentures easier.
2. Be Careful with Hot Foods
Your dentures are made to last for several years with the right care; however, they can become damaged if they are exposed to excessive heat, like hot liquids when drinking. This may cause them to warp. It is best to use caution when eating or drinking anything that is overly warm.
3. Cut Food into Small Pieces
It will take some time to get used to chewing with your dentures. To make eating easier, it is best to cut your food into smaller pieces, especially fruit. This will help to ensure that they are chewed into small enough pieces to make for easy swallowing while helping to reduce anything getting caught underneath the arch.
4. Drink Liquid while Consuming Bread
Although bread is soft, it can be difficult to chew with dentures. If you do not drink a beverage while eating it, it can cause it to turn into a paste-like texture. This makes it easy to get trapped underneath your denture.
5. Avoid Meat That’s Hard to Chew
Dentures will allow you to enjoy many of your favorite foods again; however, you will not have the same biting force as your natural teeth. As a result, it is best to avoid meats that are hard to chew, like steak. Instead, it is better to choose those that are softer, like chicken or fish.
Complete Your Smile Today!
If you are ready to regain a complete smile, your dentist in Green Lake can help. Schedule your consultation for dentures today.